Neil Stevens - Arrest - Transport - Jailed - Solo

GuysInLockup working on another Friday bust… we have Criminal Neil Stevens on deck this week. Yes, he was another runner after he was in someone’s garage and the neighbor called Officer Denali to come in and scoop the guy up! I say scoop but he is actually 6 foot 4 inches. A big guy but nothing that Officer Denali can’t handle. When Officer Denali later runs his name through the system, he realizes that Neil Stevens has been in trouble before and he is on his way to the big house! Yes Criminal Neil Stevens got charged with securities fraud and decided to run from the law and lay low hoping it would all go away. Tall guys go to prison just like the short and regular sized ones. So as Criminal Neil Stevens is processed, Officer Denali keeps quiet about what he knows and lets him think that it is just a minor trespass charge and not a felony fraud indictment. But then again, Officer Denali likes to play mind games with the guys in lockup sometimes and once his prisoner is chained up and transported safely to the county lockup, he likes them to be surprised when they find out the Officer knew all the time.  Officer Denali is a great cop… sometimes he acts like he doesn’t know a thing to throw the criminal trash off… but rest assured, he’s on the case and he has got your number… a prison inmate ID number but he’s certainly got your number!!! We present to you GuysInLockup – Neil Stevens – Arrest – Transport – Jailed – Solo.

Model: Neil Stevens

Posted: Sat, 22 April 2017
