8/29/24 GuysInLockup with our new video going up for this weekend. Officer Travis Ducati Sr. has Hyatt Martin in custody to transport to prison!! Of course we have a new Judge in place to sentence these criminal guys to jail and prison when it is needed!! Our new Judge is The Honorable Judge Robert Mathis and he collects cool looking footwear from some of his favorite cases!! We don't do the jerk-off scene now, well we will every once in a while, but for now, we just keep it like JAIL!!! Check back when you can to see if the video is up and rolling!! We are dealing with a few snags as we get up to speed again. Stand by as we get stuff ironed out!! Lets us know what you think: Feedback@GuysInLockup  

8/10/24 Our new Officer is Travis Ducati Sr. You DO NOT want to mess with this man!! Officer Ducati takes no crap off of any Criminal Inmate and if you cross paths with him, you will be cuffed, shackled and transported to jail where you will be searched, stripped, cavity searched, dressed out in a prison uniform and locked up to do some time before you are extracted from the cell and then chained up with cuffs, shackles, belly chained and black-boxed for transport to prison!!!  We will have new videos shortly!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

7/20/24 GuysInLockup still processing bodies for prison lockup!! Yes, we have a NEW Cop added to our processing staff... He's not a nice guy and you don't want to get on his bad side because he's very good at locking you dudes up to serve some time in the jail. He is extremely good at his job!!! Stand by to be introduced to our newest officer... yes, he's from the Ducati Family and he loves locking you guys up!!! New videos coming!!! 

5/20/24 Guys In Lockup and bam we just got three more requests to lockup guys of losing deals to serve time in our jail!!! Lost bets and one wanted his 18 year old son to be put away for a spell!! Very cool and we are more than willing to put these dudes away for a while!! Once the paperwork is signed, they will be cuffed, shackled and marched into the jail! Then they will be stripped down, cavity searched and dressed out in a clean prison uniform to begin serving time! We did that before a couple times with Officer Denali and a couple times with guys he knew from school!!! Let us know your thoughts: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com  

4/30/24 GuysInLockup:  Sometimes you guys make us laugh with your questions. No, we will not be locking up women, this is a site for "guys" getting locked up! It is okay if some women want to send their guys to us for lockup, which has happened before. Same with guys that want their buddies to be sent to us for lockup as well!! We have done that several times in the past when a friend has lost a bet or something similar. However, we only lock up the guys. They are much easier to manage and comply a lot quicker with orders, they are easier to discipline if they violate orders or rules. Bodies are much sturdier to lock up as well with Cuffs, Shackles and Chains etc. Your thoughts??  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

2/26/24 Guys In Lockup:  Asking the question if our subscribers think our new inmates should lose their personal stuff like clothes, shoes and boots etc. never to be returned?? Let us know through Feedback@GuysInLockup.com and another question: Would any of our subscribers be willing to send in their cool basketball high top sneakers or boots etc. to be worn by one of the 20 - 40 something inmates we process?? Email us about what you got with some pics and we can possibly provide an address to ship them too and we will match them to an inmate and see if we can have them stripped right from the feet of the inmate when they are brought in to the jail to be processed as a prisoner!!! Your thoughts???  

1/28/24 GuysInLockup... After interviewing a few guys to become our new Chief Of Police to work with Officer Denali & Travis Ducati tracking down and arresting the criminals we lockup here in the GIL City Jail... We have chosen an Officer who is into the job like we have never seen before. We will be announcing his name and introducing him to you all in the very near future! He was an Undercover Officer in the Law Enforcement field and he's extremely talented, he will have these criminals arrested, cuffed and shackled ready for prison transport in the blink of an eye!! Stand by for more details very soon... this is not a Officer you want to fuck with, he's a tough guy and you could get hurt if you resist arrest!!! 

11/14/23 GuysInLockup... one of our videos has two inmates arguing with each other as they both were cuffed to the counter after being stripped but naked! One checked out the other by looking at his junk! This is a common occurance in jail and prison. Everyone wants to be a bad-ass when they are about to become a prison inmate!! annnddd they both still got locked up!!! Lol!

11/1/23 GuysInLockup... Not to be out-done, it seems the Japanese guys enjoy looking at the American Guys in prison as well!! Yes, they love to see them chained up and being perp-walked into the jail!!! Seems like our traffic has increased by leaps and bounds from Japan!! Bring it on Guys!!! Bad boys in jail and prison is what we do!!!

9/21/23 Guys In Lockup: It seems the Orange Prison Uniform is preferred right after the Guy (Prisoner) is brought in wearing their Street Clothes while, Cuffed, Shackled, Belly Chained and Black Boxed!! Then of course they are to be stripped out of those clothes, shoes etc. to be cavity searched and THEN they are dressed out in their Orange Prison Uniform to serve some time!! Denali said at lunch the other day, "I don't want my inmates being too comfortable with the new A/C System... I might raise the thermostat up a bit just so they remember who they are and where they are!!" Do you all agree?? Denali tends to lock his guys up like the Germans do... "Good N' Hard!"!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

8/28/23 GuysInLockup... Just in time to weather a storm, we got our new AC System installed! We suspended private sessions because it was so hot in the jail that the Officers were sweating like crazy trying to keep the inmates locked away. So, as soon as we get through this bad storm, we will try to clear the back-log of private session prisoners and start filming some more for the site! If you cross the line, you have to do the time and that means WE OWN YOU!!! So, is it worth it to you??  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

Another question we get asked a lot is where do most of our subscribers come from? Like, what part of the world?  USA is first and a very close second would be Germany! Yes, the German's sure like to see the American guys decked out in chains, cuffs and shackles! We get feedback from the German subscribers and some of it is pretty amazing! I can tell you, if you ever get locked up by a German Dude, you are going to do some hard time!! Regardless, serve your time well!! 

6/4/23 Guys In Lockup... Hey, when you are brought in to be locked up, you can rest assured that you are going to lose all your shit... meaning, your clothes, shoes, boots etc will be taken from you and not returned!! Your shoes, boots and such might even end up on display in the Judges Office as he loves to collect the shoes and boots from the criminal guys he sends to prison!! He loves his job and has a nice collection from past criminals after their shoes were removed right from the prisoner's criminal feet!! Say goodbye to your Boots, Jordans, Trainers and other criminal attire, we own it and you now!!!

3/11/23 GuysInLockup... Looking for another Officer to join Denali and Ducati to round up the prisoners and lock them up!! We have been so busy with the private sessions and we need to get back to our video production. Do you think you might have what it takes, good looking, clean cut and masculin... maybe even an ex-cop?? We are not doing anything illegal here, so tell us about yourself! Let us know if you are interested:  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

12/25/22 GuysInLockup wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas... as for the guys we have in custody, well you are in the best place to be for being criminals!! It's our job to keep you locked away from the good people in society and that we will do... Like it or not, it's our job! You cross the line and then you become our property!!! Serve your time well and stay safe!!!

12/1/22 Guys In Lockup... Wow!!!  So far out of all the people that have written in about doing away with the jerking-off part of our videos, one person has said they want that left in!! One guy out of a ton of response comments would like to see that part of the video remain. Nothing like what we expected so we will slowly start producing less of that in our videos and moving more to the "procedure" of a guy getting arrested, cuffed, shackled, transported to jail for processing with a strip search, cavity search, and then dressed out in a prison uniform and locked in the cell!! Then after serving some time, we will go to the processing out like being chained up for transport!!  Still taking votes but I think the verdict is in!!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com  

11/7/22 GuysInLockup... got a question for our members: How important is it for our inmates to jerk off and produce a cum shot?? Many of our members have stated that is not why they come to the site. Some of our recent production material has no cum shot so we have not put the videos up on the site. Your thoughts?  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com  Can we do without the cum shots and jerking off?  We have been doing the "Private Sessions" and that has kept us busy. Those Private Sessions are slowly going to be discontinued to get back to regular videos. So give us your thoughts and we will see what might be important and what is not!!  

8/7/22 GuysInLockup has a new Sheriff in town!!!  Lol! Actually, we just added another Officer on staff: Officer Travis Ducati will begin locking up guys, stripping them, cavity searching their bodies and then dressing them out in their bright orange prison uniforms!!! Officer Denali is still Chief and is in a more "Technical Advisor" position but he is still hands on!!! So welcome our new Officer!! Officer Travis Ducati and make sure to join his Facebook Page!!! Your thoughts? Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

7/25/22 Guys In Lockup still doing Private Sessions and an area of concern has come up recently where guys are writing in and telling us that they are so desperate to get locked up they are going out and committing crimes in a silly hope to get jailed and locked up. Guys, don't do that!!! Let us, professional jailers, lock you up. We are going to wind that private session service down a little bit as we ramp back up our video production. Do Not Go Out Doing A Crime to get locked up... it will be way more expensive than us and not as in-depth or enjoyable for you... let us lock you up and keep your clean record!! That is all... carry on!!! Thank You!!!  

6/20/22 GuysInLockup still doing a few Private Sessions and locking up some interesting guys... on exit, so far every guy we have processed and locked up has said they felt good that they were able to "serve time" for their crimes and they thanked us for the chance to do so. We want to please!!  If there is something you feel you never were held accountable for in your past, please contact us via Feedback email: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com and we will see if we can help you out and "Hold You Accountable"!!!  We charge for the experience so serious emails only, if you got the dime, we will make sure you do the time!!!

4/11/22 Guys In Lockup still wrapping up some of our Private Sessions... been some tough ones for sure. We are working on our next episode and will have things back on track hopefully soon!!! Thank you for your support!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

1/20/22 GuysInLockup...  Just taking it easy as COVID seems to be working it's way through our great state. We will be back at it as soon as we can. Lots of cool and hot ideas for scenes coming in!! Keep them coming, we will do our best to film some of them when we ramp back up!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

1/1/22  GuysInLockup wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We got some cool stuff in store for this year!!!

12/24/21 GuysInLockup wishing all you free criminals a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And don't worry, Officer Denali will have you cuffed, shackled and locked up real soon!!!!

10/25/21 GuysInLockup with Officer Denali holding up his Wooden Paddle to discipline his prisoners! These private sessions have taken us in another interesting direction with the use of this nice PADDLE to SWAT his prisoners that like to act up while in custody!!! If this is you?? You will be stripped butt naked, cuffed to the counter, feet shackled and you will be ordered to spread your bare feet and keep the 15 inch shackle chain taunt and then bend forward slightly!!! A hard fast SWAT will be administered and that beautiful CRACK sound will echo through the jail... If you make a sound, scream or let that 15 inch chain between your shackled feet touch the floor, that SWAT does not count and another SWAT will be administered immediately!!! You WILL take the SWAT's like a man and they will continue until Officer Denali is satisfied you have been properly disciplined!!! We even had this feature written into the contract for all inmates brought into our jail for processing... that mother fucker stings but it sounds so good when it makes contact with the bare ass of a young criminal or an older fox like criminal needing some extra discipline!!! Your thoughts???  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

10/15/21 GuysInLockup staff had a meeting to discuss upgrading to 4K Ultra HD Filming when we pick things back up in production (once we are safe from COVID).Our platform supports it now and we thought maybe we would ask our members and member want-to-be's of their thoughts?? It should not increase the price any but it may be a little harder to stream. We would still offer the lower end streaming... Too soon?? Your thoughts??  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

9/7/21 GuysInLockup... when we do a personal (private session) we don't just let you walk into our jail facility and then start stripping you butt naked... no sir... when we pick you up at the airport or your hotel, we chain you up (arrest you) and then transport you in, all cuffed and shackled and we lock your ass up in the jail cell and you stay seated on the jail bunk as we prepare before we begin to process you (strip you down) and cavity search you thoroughly!! Sometimes this takes a while... we may or may not dress you out in a prison uniform and lock you in the jail cell! (You may be butt naked and secured to the jail bunk!) Then and only then you will begin serving your sentence for Officer Denali! Just like this guy here... a guy with a smooth swimmers body and we got him in recently to process for a private lock up and he was locked in the cell until we were ready to process him and take all his property, including those hot Jordan's (his favorite pair) but he lost them to us forever!!! When you are in our custody... you are OURS!!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

8/23/21 GuysInLockup doing one private session after another as we try to wait out the spike of COVID cases here in Florida. Most of the guys we are processing with the Private Sessions prefer to not be on the site... some of them are in for various reasons and to be a porn star is not one of those reasons. So we will keep processing guys until we can film in a safer more un-masked setting!  If you need to be locked up, we are the ones that can do it!! We charge for this and it is rather expensive since we have to involve more that one person... there is also a contract! I will post here a few pics that will be "okay" to share in the future. We are doing the best we can... we also want to thank you for pointing out the locations where our videos have been stolen and posted for free... some sites say there is a "discount" if you go through them to sign up... that is not true... there are no FREE Usernames and Passwords either... there are a lot of bad websites that are trying to cash in on our site... don't fall for it.  Stay safe and keep your cuffs and shackles real tight, we will get back up to "regular" speed real soon!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

06/25/21 Guys In Lockup we are still staying busy but with "private sessions" at the moment, we were hoping to put some of these private strip-down and lockup sessions on the site as an update or two but most of the inmates that we (Officer Denali) is processing through the jail, don't want to be featured on the site. However, there have been some real fun ones for sure. Some of our prior inmates are ready to come back and be processed again... so we are looking into those guys as well. All is good and some interesting stories to share on why some of these guys ended up in our jail... like a lost bet and one was a debt that was owed and this was how he (the guy the debt was owed too) wanted it paid off and settled... crazy shit in other words!!! True straight guys and he was rolling his eyes in disbelief the entire time but he served his time and the debt was settled!! It made for a real nice private video for the dude that held his "contract"!! We are expensive but in most cases, very much worth it!!!  See ya soon!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

05/18/21 GuysInLockup will be updating as soon as we can get some guys in for processing. We appreciate all the cool ideas through the feedback for new storylines... very cool indeed! Officer Denali is ready to slide back into his duty boots and get to work locking you guys up in his jail!!! Stay tuned!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

03/08/21 GuysInLockup... We are still circling the airport waiting for clearance to land from this crazy pandemic. In the meantime, you all have been writing in with stories of your own experiences... WOW is all we can say, very very hot to hear of guys getting stripped and prepped and even some "across the line" abuse!!! Keep them coming, we are getting some great ideas from you all and it gives us something to do while we pass the time waiting to resume filming!!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

01/06/21 Guys In Lockup... Wow... what a crazy start to 2021... Officer Denali said to just lock them all up!!! We are still on stand by with the pandemic / covid. We are all healthy but we are also staying safe. Officer Denali is ready to lock up some guys, so be ready, we can spring into action again at any time. We appreciate your support... we are still here and living in a hot spot but we are safe and waiting for clearance!!! Keep your cuffs and shackles tight!!!

11/12/20 GuysInLockup with COVID fucking with us in this state as much as it can... thank you for standing by as we continue to work to get some new updates loaded up. Thank GOD we have a new President on his way... would be nice to see a few of the tRump family members being stripped down in our jail... Donny Jr., Eric, Jarred to name a few... maybe they will be in someone's jail soon!!! Lol!!!

10/25/20 GuysInLockup with our most recent update... filming got delayed as we had to wait for him to be released from actual jail... the night before filming a bounty hunter kicked in his door and arrested him and took him to jail on a warrant!! Lol! Although he did not find it funny, we sure did but he has been released now and we are getting things processed or should we say, he is getting processed so now you can enjoy seeing him in our jail. Stand by as we get his little thug body transferred over to the GIL City Jail for Lockup!!! (S-5 - E-5) Is in production NOW!!!

9/26/20 GuysInLockup putting up our latest episode / video (S-5 - E-4) as our fucktard of a Governor starts to open up our state even though we are still the COVID hot spot... we are taking safety very serious as we press on!!! This is Issiah Carlye and he is headed to prison for five (5) years and Officer Denali is more than happy to make sure he is the one to take him there... some very different procedures he uses while he secures his body to the jail bunk!!!  It is up on the site now as we work on (S-5 - E-5)!!!

9/15/20 Guys In Lockup... back to the drawing board... don't even ask what happened to our recent update... we are back in production with our NEXT update and we are sure you are gonna like it better!!! Stay tuned!!! 

8/28/20 GuysInLockup working hard on a future update with Officer Denali eyeing a nice tight little thug he spotted out and about in GIL City... he looks like a criminal and would look awesome dressed out in oranges and chained up from head to toe with his feet shackled and hands cuffed!! Yummy!!! Stay tuned!!!

8/5/20 GuysInLockup with our latest video up and running!!! The cheapest way to get monthly access to our videos is through the "PayPal" option or Option "C":  120 Days for $100 USD... just email us at: Support@GuysInLockup.com if you want to go this route! You will have to provide your preferred Username and Password so we can create your account and we will instruct you on how to make Payment to our PayPal payment Email Address and then set up your access!! Enjoy!!! 

8/1/20 Guys In Lockup starting off with a fresh new month of prisoners being brought in decked out in chains, cuffed and shackled and getting stripped butt naked, cavity searched and processed so we can get back on track, finally!!! This is: Grant Ferguson Warrant Served Jailed Solo (S-5 - E-3) and it will be up soon so here is a sample of this fine Criminal Stud locked up safely behind bars!!! This particular INMATE is one great example of a "Fine American Criminal Stud" that serves everyone best when he is locked up in prison!!! Enjoy!!!


7/30/20 GuysInLockup... Yaay!!! We are editing our latest episode for Guys In Lockup and should have it up soon!!! Covid-19 continues to mess with our production schedule but we are making headway!!! Everyone is healthy and good!!! Thank you for your support and remember, the PayPal option is the cheapest way to go!!! S-5 - E-3 will be up soon!!

6/27/20 Guys In Lockup still working on Episode-3 (S-5 - E-3). We have had several email-in requests of guys wanting to be locked up and processed. We are pleased to have such a response, not everyone is qualified to be in a porn but for those of you that are, be patient, Officer Denali will get you in and locked up as soon as he can!!! We are under HEAVY restrictions again with COVID-19 spiking here in Florida... we are editing only at the moment because of the restrictions on all business practices. Stand by, thank you for your continued support... we have to be safe! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com   

6/4/20 GuysInLockup back in the saddle with S-5 E-2 loaded up and being edited as we speak... Vaughn Green is our second episode for this season... We have some new equipment for the GIL City Jail!! Yes, there is a platform to weigh the prisoners when they are perp-walked in and then again after they are stripped clean and ready for jail and then transport to prison. Officer Denali will also take their temperature off the back of their throat with a laser thermometer that he shoots into their mouth. This prisoner is suited up in black and white stripes but is hog-tied with cuffs and shackles first... all by request from one of his fans!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com if you want to make a request for Officer Denali to process a criminal thug in a special way!!! We will get this episode up asap!!

5/12/20 GuysInLockup for the moment, still in lockdown but we had a zoom meeting today with everyone and by popular vote, we are going to try to film next week... so we may be starting out slow and very cautiously, at least we are going to try to get ramped up again. Officer Denali is extremely excited about processing guys again!!! So here we go, lets see what happens! Stay safe everyone!!! I will update you when we are uploading the new and latest update!!!

4/5/20 GuysInLockup still in lockdown. We are on stand-by still. We are not infected but to be safe we have to follow the orders just like all other businesses in the State Of Florida. Actors don't want to fly, flights get canceled, staff members are taking care of their family members (including Officer Denali) so filming is just not an option at this point. Our videos are pretty fresh and that means we don't have much filmed ahead as we film it we put it up asap. Right now we are just doing what we can. We certainly appreciate your incredible support. We will find some way to make it up to you all. With that being said, new signups are cheapest throught the 120 day for $100 USD PayPal option. Contact: Support@GuysInLockup.com with your request and desired Username & Password... Thanks again everyone, we will get through this together.

3/18/20 GuysInLockup... hey guys we are are dealing with this COVID19 just like everyone else. Hang in there, we are hunkered down just like everyone else... we have to be safe!! New updates soon!!!

2/27/20 GuysInLockup... what a pain-in-the-ass some of our inmates are... we had two videos to go up for February but neither performer could deliver the money shot! We don't fake those shots and in the contract it is written that if they don't put out, they don't get paid and that makes it so we can't use the video update. It is a waste of time all the way around. That has happened three (3) times recently with two just in February alone. These straight guys come in here wanting money and then can't deliver the jiz... So that is where we are at... we got others lined up for lockup but you all will have to stand by so we can get them put away. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

2/14/20 GuysInLockup wishing you all a Happy Valentines Day!!! Who do you love??? Lol! We have some great hot stuff to go live real soon!!!

2/6/20 GuysInLockup with a bunch of great suggestions on what fine convicts to have back in the GIL City Jail... One is still in the Florida State Pen as we speak but we will get him back in asap. The others we are working on! We will bring some of them back in wearing a striped black and white uniform as requested... others will be perp-walked in wearing their street clothes and be torn down and dressed out in standard prison orange! All will be cuffed, shackled and chained up for prison transport!!! Also, Thank you for the recent reports of piracy... those individules were caught and banned for life as well as our video's were removed from the free-share site. Don't share your password & username with anyone as the system will flag it and ban you and it's a real big process to get you white-listed again. Keep the info and suggestions coming: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

1/19/20 GuysInLockup with a question... Which prison inmates from the past would you like to see brought back in and put through the processing??? Yes, we have new criminal trash on deck to be processed and locked up! For now though: Who would you like to see brought back? Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

1/13/20 GuysInLockup starting off the 2020 year with the Judge putting a man on House Arrest after his case review and Officer Denali revoking that same man, a real DILF and criminal Sean Harris off of House Arrest!! Inmate Sean Harris is on his way to prison now and he starts to get mouthy and Officer Denali shoves his duty weapon down his throat with orders to follow!!! This inmate has a nice pair of well-cared-for feet... of course those feet can't be trusted and need to be shackled while he's buck naked on the jail bunk... Yes "Jeff", he's got nice feet!!! Tune in, he's next on deck to start the year off right!!! 

1/3/20 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! GuysInLockup with all the cast and crew getting back in town from the Holiday travel! We have some hot scenes to finish up and put on the air... one at a time. Feel free to join us on our Guys In Lockup FB Page and for a more direct connection to Officer Justin Denali on FB with "Justin Denali" and make sure you ask permission first to do a chat with him, he is very busy and would like you to respect that... as he is the one in charge... Just sayin'... Let's make 2020 count and do some HOT SCENES!!! Keep the ideas coming at: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com we love them!!!

12/25/19 MERRY CHRISTMAS from GuysInLockup!!! Great scenes lined up for the New Year!!! All of our current inmates are safely locked away in the various Jails and Prisons that Officer Denali put them in!!! They will be enjoying grilled cheese sandwiches for their Christmas Dinner... but don't worry, they will be thinking of you while they serve their time for their various crimes!!! The newest scene is on it's way!!!  

12/16/19 GuysInLockup with all our men locked up and away from the good people of society! Remember the sale we have going on now to get new people interested in the site:  $100 USD PayPal Payment for 120 Days of non-recurring site access! Contact us at: Support@GuysInLockup.com with your request as well as your Username & Password you would like us to set up for you. We will see you in the jail real soon!!!

12/1/19 GuysInLockup hoping you all had a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Good looking inmates coming soon... a tough "power lifter" DILF that Denali arrested is on deck to be stripped, cavity searched and locked away!!! This tough guy gets the full process, work boots removed and all!!! This video update will be up real soon with the arrest scene and all the jail processing that goes with it!!!

11/13/19 GuysInLockup with our next scene... it is up and ready to view: (Vaughn Green - House Arrest Revoked - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) This thug wanna be just had his house arrest revoked by Officer Denali... He is brought in wearing his thug-like work boots and he gets stripped down, cavity searched and dressed out in a clean, comfortable, orange prison uniform so he can be properly jailed!! Oh joy... Officer Denali gets to crack into these work boots as he searches his prisoner, Inmate Vaughn Green delivers a nice load too!!! 

11/4/19 GuysInLockup with more awesome and HOT scenes on the way!!! (Officer Denali was injured recently just prior to filming a scene but is almost fully recovered now.) So we are hard at work putting together more material for your enjoyment!!! Thanks for the great ideas too... keep them coming!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

10/14/19 GuysInLockup with the update that's coming soon!!! Yes, Officer Denali is going to strip Zack Wilson down, cavity search his hot body, stick his weapon in his mouth, order him to put on a nice show for the girls in dispatch and take his high top basketball shoes as well!!! This update will be up real soon: (Zack Wilson - For Prison - Abuse Of Power - Jailed - Solo) Remember, Option "C" PayPal is the cheapest way to join: $100.00 USD for 120 Days of GuysInLockup!!! Email us if you want to get access: Support@GuysInLockup.com 

10/2/19 GuysInLockup with a comment from Officer Denali: "I put you in the Jail Cell to spend some time as I prepare to strip you out of your new basketball shoes and start your journey to prison you criminal fuck!!"

10/2/19 GuysInLockup... One other comment from Officer Denali: "You just sit right there on the jail bunk as I prepare your cell and you are right... I am gonna take those Under Armour Basketball High Tops from you as you certainly won't be needing them when I dress you out for transport to PRISON!!! Why would I take your hot sweaty shoes from your criminal feet?? BECAUSE I CAN!!!"


9/26/19 GuysInLockup with our latest update LIVE and ON THE AIR NOW!!! (Val Simpson - For Prison - Cavity Search - Abuse Of Power - Jailed - Solo) It's like getting a long train going again... we are chugging along to get back up to full speed!!! Thanks for your support!!!

9/23/19 Guys In Lockup... Officer Denali processes Val Simpson for prison (finally) and he came in from Cedar wearing his favorite police style side zip duty boots... Officer Denali personally removed these boots from his prisoner's feet... then took the boots to add to his growing collection of criminal convict footwear... unless the Judge wants the prisoner's boots first... we shall see soon enough. Officer Denali sticks his gun in Prison Inmate Val Simpson's mouth with some special orders!! This hot update will be up real soon!!! (Val Simpson - For Prison - Cavity Search - Abuse Of Power - Jailed - Solo)


9/20/19 GuysInLockup... Yes we are still here and still updating the site... got some hot scenes on the way! Family has to come first though!!! Thank you for your patience, it is appreciated!!! 

9/6/19 GuysInLockup back in with a couple new scenes we are filming... our thoughts are with the folks still being hit with the Dorian storm... but we are back filming with the crew and some bad boys needing a good strip down and lock up!! Good hot stuff is on it's way and thank you for your continued support!!!

8/30/19 GuysInLockup with the crazy weather messing with us this month as well as vacations for the actors and the staff! Then we had the studio internet access (FIOS) go down from a near direct lightning strike and that prevented us from site updates and other important stuff as it can only be done from the offices because the access to the site is severely restricted to those special studio computers. 99% of you are totally understanding but there have been one or two subscribers that have been pissy with us. Please don't be that way, we will ban you for life just to not have the hate coming at us. We plan on getting back to speed after dealing with the hurricane. We will make it well worth your while. This is a life and death storm and we are located in the path of Dorian and are bracing for impact... Please keep us in your thoughts and we thank you for your loyalty. Stay safe and be kind to one another (except for Officer Denali... he gets to treat everyone like criminal trash!)  Hehehehe!!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

8/15/19 GuysInLockup with our next update to go live soon!!! (Issiah Carlye - House Arrest Revoked - Cavity Search - Abuse Of Power - Jailed - Solo) Yes, this smooth tough-guy is back in for processing since Officer Denali revoked his House Arrest Program... and yes he's wearing his favorite pair of Chuck's and his feet look so awesome with the shackles keeping them secure and regulating his every step!! (and he's wearing white socks) This dude has an attitude and gets Officer Denali's gun shoved down his throat!!! Stand by... It's coming!!!

8/8/19 GuysInLockup with good stuff (Hot Stuff) coming up... we are trying to get all the staff members vacations out of the way so we can get back up to full speed. Stand by.... It's coming!!! Lol!

7/23/19 GuysInLockup with the next update to go up for your viewing pleasure... Kelvin Lopez is back in for court... this criminal thug is working his way through the justice system to his eventual destination of prison! Officer Denali does his deep cavity search to make sure all is good to go. Yes, this criminal stud is humiliated and holds his head in shame still. Something tells me it's all to distract Officer Denali though. This hot video goes live real soon! (Kelvin Lopez - For Court - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo)

7/10/19 GuysInLockup with our next update soon to go live! Coach Sean Harris is in custody and secured to the Jail Bunk waiting for Officer Denali to come in from his day at the beach to strip him, cavity search his smooth body and process him for lockup!!! The duct taped mouth sure has a nice bondage feel to it!!! Yes, Officer Denali has a job to do and he does it well!! Keep checking back for this hot update to go live: (Coach Sean Harris - Case Review - Bondage - Jailed - Solo) Coach Harris is sporting his grey goatee with his black hair these days... he's a DILF for sure!!! 

6/26/19 GuysInLockup with Criminal Convict Val Simpson who decided to cut his House Arrest Ankle Band off and make a run for it. Officer Denali got the alert and went after this criminal thug and arrested his ass within the hour!!! He gets Officer Denali's weapon shoved down his throat and made to undersatnd that you don't EVER want to try to escape his custody. Chained up, cuffed and shackled he's being brought back into be jailed!!! Our next update going live soon will be: (Val Simpson - Escape - Arrest - Cavity Search - Abuse Of Power - Jailed - Solo) and as a reminder: Option "C" PayPal 120 Days for $100.00 USD is the cheapest route to go to enjoy GuysInLockup!!!

6/17/19 GuysInLockup... yes, we have a new update locked and loaded to go up!!! This young mechanic criminal stud was rolling back odometers on cars and Officer Denali makes the arrest and transports him back to the GIL City Jail for a strip down, cavity search and lockup!!! Kelvin Lopez is well on his way to state prison and he is very humiliated to be processed in!!! But that's what we do with criminals!!! This video will be up real soon so check back in!!! Fuck he looks good in chains!!!

6/8/19 GuysInLockup... Yes we have a video update coming... we are celebrating Gay Pride Month and are working very hard to get the updates finished and up as fast as we can. We are switching things up a bit on video launch dates. We are going with a more "Freestyle" approach and putting updates the day they are complete instead of every Friday. This means there will be two updates on some weeks, maybe three even and occasionally we also may go for a little more than a week without a new video update. So check in often to see if our next video is posted up. We are going to try for an increase of video out-put and grow the site bigger each month!! 

5/30/19 GuysInLockup www.GuysInLockup.com and Officer Justin Denali bringing in another prisoner for court sentencing! Criminal convict Barron "HC" Richards is brought in wearing stripes with the full chain up with cuffs, shackles and black boxed for extra security! You might remember Criminal Tough Guy Barron Richards was arrested trying to assault an officer during a sting operation. He often would brag about being tough enough to take down an Officer including Chief Of Police Officer Justin Denali... well, that never happened and all criminal inmate Barron Richards got was a gun in his mouth that changed his attitude completely... this time he is cuffed and shackled to the bunk where his attitude changed after some "cool your heels" therapy!!! Yes, mouthy Barron Richards is brought in with his bad ass attitude and his beautiful body but Officer Denali knows how to handle this bad ass and his body... so enjoy: (Barron Richards - For Sentencing - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Bondage - Jailed - Solo) it goes live Friday Night at 8pm ET!!! Keep the ideas coming, we love doing stories from your ideas... this video is totally from your ideas!!! 

5/22/19 Guys In Lockup www.GuysInLockup.com with Officer Denali stripping down Val Simpson so he can be cavity searched, ass-probed, cuffed and shackled to the jail bunk for a little quiet bondage time before he is to be taken up in front of the Judge for possible sentencing for state prison. FUCK this guy looks good stripped down and butt naked in the GIL City Jail!!! This guy has only gotten better with age and working out in the jail gym has made this criminals body hotter and hotter... I hope the judge sentences him to prison but then again, I want him back in our jail again and again!!! Enjoy (Val Simpson - Sentencing - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Bondage - Solo) as it goes live Friday Night at 8pm ET... Let us know what you think of this hot criminal!!! I for one would lick the cum off of his beautiful body if given the chance!!!


5/15/19 GuysInLockup.com with Officer Denali dragging in another prisoner for court to go up in front of the Judge and be sentenced to prison... well, we hope to prison. Criminal Convict Holden Cramer might be back in for some more strip downs, cavity searches and ass probings as well as a decent head shave as he needs it! He's a defiant prisoner with his sweet sweaty feet that were inside his work boots at one point until Officer Denali had all his street clothes removed before jailing this nice tall criminal stud!! Enjoy this Friday's scene and watch how Officer Denali takes a phone call from his curious girlfriend as the cavity search is about to begin!!! This is another hot video: (Holden Cramer - For Court - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Jailed - Solo) Keep the feedback coming... we always try to add what you request... lots of feet shots in this video, by request! Goes live Friday Night 8pm ET!!!

5/8/19 GuysInLockup.com locking up our first genuine Bear... He's a Hispanic Bear and a nice one at that! We do our best to present what you all ask for in the Feedback section of our site and there have been many many requests to arrest, cuff, shackle and jail a nice bear! Yes, Juan Rodriguez was arrested  by Officer Denali for dealing in stolen goods! He knew what he was doing was against the law, so don't let his shy innocence fool you... he's a criminal and he's headed to prison!!! Enjoy our latest update (Juan Rodriguez - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live this Friday night at 8PM ET! Yes, keep the ideas coming, we love them and want to give you what you want!!! Keep your cuff's and shackles real tight!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

5/1/19 GuysInLockup.com bringing back in cuffed, shackled and chained for transport, smooth-body criminal stud Issiah Carlye for processing, strip down, cavity search, ass probe, plus cuffed and shackled to the jail bunk for some cool down time! As this criminal / inmate seemed to be pissed off with his heavy breathing like he is too good to go to prison! Well, he was brought back in for court from Cedar Correctional and that facility sends all their prisoners out wearing their own street clothes... well this guy thinks he is innocent and being railroaded into prison... he's right!!! He is being railroaded into prison because his employee's operating under his license were caught fudging the inspection paperwork and taking bribes!!! So he is taking one for his team and going to do the time! He's wearing some hot, sweatty, sexy work boots that, of course, have to be removed and packed away in the property bin!!! Enjoy (Issiah Carlye - For Court - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Bondage - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday 8pm ET!!!

4/24/19 GuysInLockup with the Judge giving another inmate a chance on House Arrest or Electronic Shackling as some call it... Officer Denali hates that program and would rather have all his Inmates go right to state prison. He always revokes the latest House Arrest Inmate and brings them back in for another intake and jail processing session! Officer Denali likes to stick his gun down the throat of a mouthy Inmate too! That is exactly what happens in this latest video update! (Ethan Montgomery - House Arrest Revoked - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Jailed - Solo) Young Ethan should never say anything out of line to Officer Denali or he will be sucking on Officer Denali's weapon hoping the good Officer will just lock him away instead. Enjoy the latest from www.GuysInLockup.com as it goes live at 8pm this Friday! Keep the feedback coming, we are mixing it up a bit as requested... tall, short, skinny, pudgy, hairless and bears...  still all guys though!!!

4/17/18 Guys In Lockup... Officer Denali is back in the jail, processing prisoners... This week he is locking Farron Powell up and with a little bondage too!!! Yes, tall dude Farron Powell gets cuffed and shackled to the jail bunk to cool his heels for the afternoon... yes, he blows a load like a man about to be sentenced to prison!!! (Farron Powell - For Court - Ass Probe - Bondage - Jailed - Solo) goes live Friday at 8pm ET! Let's get Officer Denali back to doing what he does best... putting Guys In Lockup!!!


4/11/19 GuysInLockup... Officer Denali enjoying the last of his vacation... he will be back at it real soon!!!! Here is a pic of Officer Denali poolside with his awesome dog... you said you wanted to see him with less clothes... here you go!!!

4/5/19 GuysInLockup... Officer Denali is on a cruise ship right now... he will be back and locking up guys soon... all his prisoners are still secured and in lockup as we speak... be careful... YOU may be his next prisoner!!!  Lol!

3/28/19 Guys In Lockup with Officer Denali revoking house arrest programs right and left... because he can!!! This inmate Jason Martin has not been in the GIL City Jail for a while. Officer Denali revoked his House Arrest Program only after 2 months of service! Officer Denali never liked this snot-nosed rich kid and the Judge gives this dude House Arrest and Officer Denali controls the program. This inmate always seems to do something a little different when he is in lockup... this time is no different!!! He does some "Self Spanking" while he is in custody! The girls in Dispatch were thrilled to see it on the security cameras! So enjoy: (Jason Martin - For Court - House Arrest Revoked - Self Spanking - Jailed - Solo) when it goes live, Friday at 8pm ET... Keep the feedback coming as we add your ideas in all the time!!!

3/20/19 GuysInLockup with Officer Denali bringing in Inmate Val Simpson for court this Friday! Criminal Val Simpson was charged with unlicensed contractor fraud and he has been in custody since last year and wants to bargain with the prosecutor to resolve his case. His offer must make the young prosecutor happy and the Judge happy as well! The Judge has to sign off on any deals and he is going up in front of the Judge to see if he will accept the deal. Officer Denali brings criminal inmate Val Simpson into the GIL City Jail for processing, strip down, cavity search and a deep ass-probe since he came in from Cedar Correctional and he is wearing his street clothes. At times Inmate Simpson appears to be stunned at how much time the prosecutor wants from him... other times he acts pissed towards Officer Denali... then back to looking like he could just cry! His is going to prison, just trying to figure out for how long! Enjoy as (Val Simpson - For Court - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Jailed - Solo) Goes live Friday night at 8pm ET for your viewing pleasure!


3/14/19 Guys In Lockup... sometimes locking up our favorite guys with their nice bodies over and over! Officer Denali is bringing back in Ethan Montgomery for court, to be put up in front of the man... maybe to be sentenced to prison??? Well, regardless, he is back in the GIL City Jail to spend a little time secured to the jail bunk for a little light bondage. He blows a nice load... Yes, criminal stud Ethan Montgomery has a nice body and he is a new "favorite" of Officer Denali to strip down, cavity search, ass probe then cuff and shackle his hot body to the jail bunk and of course, don't forget that awesome duct tape for his mouth!!! (Ethan Montgomery - For Court - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Bondage - Jailed - Solo) goes live at 8pm ET this Friday night for your viewing pleasure... more requests added in this video as well!!! Keep the ideas coming we love them!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

3/7/19 GuysInLockup hauling in another Businessman... this time Officer Denali just arrested a 43 year old DILF that was stealing an elderly lady's money through his Tax Prep Business... He's brought in with full chains, cuffs, shackles and the black box with a belly chain. He is very humiliated in the beginning but becomes belligerent very shortly after he realizes he's got problems and headed to prison. This is a very interesting solo as this DILF gets very physical on the bunk as he blows his load!! Get ready for (John Bell - Jail - Intake - Booking - Prisoner - Solo) as it goes live Friday night at 7pm ET (This is full of your ideas for scenes... we do listen to your feedback... keep it coming!)

2/28/19 Guys In Lockup with another new guy being booked into the GIL City Jail!!! Business Manager Issiah Carlye is transported in for a deep cavity search and jailing after one of the employee's for his Home Inspection Service was caught taking bribes... well the team leader always is on the hook and responsible for any violations committed when it is his company and license on the line. So as confused as this professional business man is, he's arrested and well on his way to prison to serve some time for what one of his "team members" did under his license. Yes, he may be innocent of the actual crime but he's gonna serve the time... in other words, he's gonna take one for the team!!! He's got an awesome smooth body and Officer Denali treats him with respect and very gentlemanly as he processes him for jail and gets him stripped down, tie, nice clothes and shoes of course all removed from this humiliated business man!!! (Issiah Carlye - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo)  goes live Friday at 7pm... Keep the ideas coming!!!

2/20/19 GuysInLockup with another beefy-thug criminal being arrested and brought in by Officer Denali! Ahh yes, 23 year old Holden Cramer is arrested for trespassing on a construction site... which is a felony in the State Of Florida!! Yes, almost everything is illegal in Florida and Officer Denali will bring you in if you have the right look!! The tough-guy thug look that is!!! This dude did not like being processed for what he thought was a nothing crime. He complains about everything... even that "Prison Orange" is not his color!!! Well, we will see about that!!! (Holden Cramer - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) goes live at 7pm ET this Friday night for your viewing pleasure!!! Keep the feedback coming and remember the PayPal route is the cheapest way to get access to Guys In Lockup!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

2/14/19 GuysInLockup has gotten several requests for our latest arrest, Farron Powell, to be brought back in for a deep ass-probing! So as you requested, he is in for court and as you stated in your requests, he gets his ass probed as well as the standard cavity search. It usually takes a few weeks for an inmate to be back in for court or house arrest violation but since this bad-boy thug was so hot looking, we decided to immediately bring him in for processing! So enjoy this thug Farron Powell as he is processed again and spends extra time whacking off while he serves a little time before going up in front of the Judge... and the Judge now has his basketball shoes on the shelf in his chambers... the more the bad ass they are the more the judge will collect their footwear!!! Enjoy (Farron Powell - For Court - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday at 7pm ET!!!  

2/7/19 GuysInLockup hauling in another new dude... a tall dude at that!!! Officer Denali will arrest you no matter how tall you are!!! This Friday we have 30 Year Old Farron Powell who was charged with auto theft / tampering with an automobile! That is not something to want to be doing when Officer Denali is on the job. After a short conversation, Officer Denali puts this tall drink up against the fence and begins to secure his subject for transport back to the GIL City Jail for a strip down, deep cavity search and lockup to get his prisoner ready for transport out to county. Enjoy (Farron Powell - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live this Friday at 7pm!!! This is a nice solid guy that belongs in chains!!! Love your ideas so keep them coming... we do read them and try to respond if there is a question... but yes we do read them!!! 

1/31/19 Guys In Lockup with this Friday and Officer Denali arresting and jailing 25 year-old Grant Ferguson for Felony Criminal Non-Support. Yes this young stud construction worker doesn't have a problem getting his bitches pregnant but is nowhere to be found when it comes time for the support! Officer Denali hauls this young tough-guy stud in for a nice, deep, cavity search and lockup! (Grant Ferguson - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) Goes live Friday night at 7pm ET and he has no problem blowing a nice hot load while he's locked away waiting to be transported to prison!!! Enjoy!!! Keep the feedback coming!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

1/23/19 GuysInLockup with another tough guy in custody for the first time! Ethan Montgomery decided to smack his girlfriend around and Officer Denali had to haul his ass in for lockup! Criminal Stud Ethan Montgomery was arrested after Officer Denali caught him running out the back door of his place of employment to run from the law. Officer Denali always locks these tough guy types up without bond so they can't go back and retaliate against the sweet thing they were abusing in the first place! This will be the first time this criminal stud is arrested, we are sure this won't be the last either!!! Enjoy (Ethan Montgomery - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live on Friday at 7pm ET!!!

1/16/19 GuysInLockup with Officer Denali bringing his old high school buddy Hawk Michaels back in to be sent off to prison. Criminal Convict Hawk Michaels and Officer Denali went to school together (in real life) and he had the chance to bring him back into custody early and that is exactly what he did. Officer Denali went into Law Enforcement right out of school and Criminal Hawk Michaels went into crime. Officer Denali seems to enjoy his work and processing his old buddy for prison!!! (Hawk Michaels - Cavity Search - For Prison - Jailed - Solo) goes live Friday Night at 7pm ET and he has a nice load to put out for you!!! Enjoy!!!

1/9/19 GuysInLockup with Neil Stevens back in custody one more time... he's brought in all dressed up real nice in business attire!!! He was trying to stall turning himself in for sentencing so Officer Denali went and arrested his ass and transported him back in cuffs and shackles for a nice strip-down and cavity search and of course, issued his prison oranges and jailed his well-built body pending his sentencing!!! (Neil Stevens - Transport - Cavity Search - Sentenced - Jailed - Solo) Goes live this Friday at 7pm ET... Enjoy as he rubs out another nice one!!!

1/7/19 GuysInLockup with a reminder of the cheapest way to get access to our awesome content... PayPal or Option "C"... 120 Days for $100 USD... Contact us at: Support@GuysInLockup.com for our PayPal Payment Email Address and instructions on how to make this happen for you!!! Thank you and keep your cuffs real tight!!!

1/2/19 GuysInLockup in 2019 and so glad we made it!!! Back in the saddle again!!! This week's update is with Josh Warner, the little thug wanna be messed up his House Arrest Program and now he's headed back into the clinker so the House Arrest Band can be cleaned and re-installed on an inmate that will not violate the House Arrest Code!!! Right Inmate Bushrod?? The first arrest for 2019 is (Josh Warner - House Arrest Revoked - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) Enjoy as it goes live Friday Night at 7PM ET!!!

12/29/18 GuysInLockup... Officer Denali is off this Friday for the Holiday... next Friday is a new year... with all kinds of criminals being put behind bars!!! For now, all prisoners will remain in prison until we get into the new year!!! Keep your cuffs and shackles real tight!!!


12/20/18 Guys In Lockup with another new arrest this week by Officer Denali! This week Criminal Thug Wade Erickson decided to break into a home while the elderly resident was home!! The old lady recognized him and screamed, "I will see you in prison Wade!" and then she called Officer Denali and told him which way he was running! Just like in CSI Miami where Horatio Caine would be waiting for the criminal to come around the corner, Officer Denali was waiting for Criminal Thug Wade Erickson to come running up... just like in the TV Show, but Officer Denali doesn't drive a Hummer H2 as his patrol vehicle!!! Enjoy (Wade Erickson - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday at 7pm ET!!!

12/12/18 GuysInLockup with another new arrest this week... Officer Denali has been so busy hauling guys in... but then again, that is his Job!!! This week 25 year old Zeb Perry was running away from his employer that sold used sporting equipment after stealing more than five thousand dollars from the safe. He runs right into Officer Denali's arms and then he is arrested, cuffed shackled and put in the patrol car for transport back to the jail to be stripped down, cavity searched and locked up!!! Enjoy (Zeb Perry - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday at 7PM ET. This dude was an active Marine for a few years of his young life... now he's in our custody and control!!!

12/6/18 Guys In Lockup getting close to the end of the year and this awesome week, Officer Denali arrested a real soccer player dude!!! Yes, this 25 year-old dude decided to kick another player with his soccer cleats and he had done it once before!!! Once he realized he was going to jail, he fled the scene and that is when Officer Denali was waiting for him to come running along and before this little mouthy stud could realize, he was cuffed and shackled and headed to jail for a cavity search and a dress-out in a nice orange prison uniform!!! Enjoy (Daniel Evans - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday 7pm ET!!!

11/28/18 GuysInLockup with a new criminal stud for this Friday!! We have Criminal Cameron Fry being chased down by Officer Denali in a short foot-chase and arrested for outstanding Construction Code Violations (Tickets)... About 25 of them and some were felony violations! Yes, this criminal stud is going to have to serve some time to get things right and when he is done doing time, he will have a clean slate... to do it all again!!! This hot video (Cameron Fry - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) goes live Friday 7pm ET and keep the feedback coming... this was a suggestion from an awesome subscriber!!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

11/22/18 GuysInLockup wishing you all a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

11/14/18 GuysInLockup bringing back a young stud to go up in front of the judge!!! Yes, Officer Denali is bringing in Nathan West to see if the judge is going to sentence him to prison this awesome Friday! Of course Criminal Convict Nathan West has to get mouthy with Officer Denali and then he finds himself cuffed and shackled to the jail bunk with his mouth taped shut... you know a little silent bondage to cool his heels for a bit! Enjoy (Nathan West - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Bondage - Solo) as it goes live at 7:00 PM ET this Friday night!!!

11/9/18 Guys In Lockup answering another request... yes, a request for a slightly more thicker and hairy guy to be processed... (Val Simpson - Arrest - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) is the man to fill that request... Officer Denali has his gun ready but this arrest was a very "gentlemanly" arrest... which also was a request from a subscriber!!! Enjoy this hot video as this criminal puts out a hot load in the jail cell... it goes live at 7PM ET Friday Night!!!  Enjoy!!! (If you are still with Zombaio, when your access runs out, please join up again through our new processor / billing company Verotel through the site "join" page!)

11/8/18 GuysInLockup switched third party billing services a while back from Zombaio to Verotel... We just canceled the "Recurring" or "Rebill" for all our subscribers that were still on the Zombaio billing service. You may have gotten an email stating such. You still have access if you were with Zombaio, just the rebilling won't happen and when your access was supposed to rebill your credit card, it won't and your access will expire. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sign back up for access through our current processor Verotel when your subscription through Zombaio runs out... and that Verotel link of course is on the site where you "Join". You do not need to do anything as far as Zombaio is concerned. Nothing has changed other than we went with a better billing service and all is great!!! Thank you for hanging in there with us as we keep building this site together!!!

10/31/18 GuysInLockup has a very intense scene for this week's update... Criminal Barron "HC" Richards is in for court. Of course he's a big talker of how he thinks he can take Officer Denali down while he is being processed. Officer Denali finally gets sick of Barron Richards mouth and decided to show him who runs the jail... yes, the moment is short but very very intense... Enjoy (Barron Richards - Abuse Of Power - Cavity Search - Jailed  - Solo) It goes live this Friday at 8pm ET and as always, we want to know what you think... Yes, we went there with this video!!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

10/25/18 Guys In Lockup as Officer Denali brings back in another young stud for a court hearing! Yes, Landon Hayes is back in and he was transported over from Cedar which means he's wearing his street clothes, fully chained up and ready for his ass-probe during his deep cavity search. (Landon Hayes - For Court - Ass Probe - Jailed - Solo) goes live this Friday at 8pm ET!!! Lots of requests to have this young stud back in for processing... here he is!!! Enjoy!!!

10/17/18 GuysInLockup... back at it again... Officer Denali is patrolling a neighborhood and notices a guy riding a sport-bike motorcycle a little fast for that type of street! After stopping this stud on a bike, he realizes that it is Coach Sean Harris who is supposed to be on House Arrest!! Officer Denali arrests Criminal Trash Sean Harris and revokes his House Arrest Program for being out without permission. So Coach Sean Harris is arrested and put in the back of Officer Denali's Patrol Car and taken to the GIL City Jail for a deep cavity search of his smooth body and processing for a nice jail cell so he can jerk off while dreaming of what it was once like to be free!!! This video goes live Friday at 8pm ET and it is well worth seeing this hot biker dude get arrested again on a hot Florida Friday afternoon!!! Enjoy and let us know what you think!!! (Coach Sean Harris - Arrest - House Arrest Revoked - Jailed - Solo)

10/11/18 Hey guys... with all the activity regarding Hurricane Michael here in Florida, we had to concentrate on helping some Family & Friends to our North. In an urgent situation such as what we had happen this week, we were left with little production staff to finish this week's intended video update, get it loaded and such. With that being said, we will push this weeks update to next week when everyone should be back from North Florida... yes, this includes Officer Denali who has been a real trooper when it comes to Family & Friends... He's been on social media but has not posted anything about the storm as he didn't want anyone to be worried if they figured out he was in the middle of things... Thank you all for your patience and a reminder, good stuff is still ahead with the great ideas and storylines you all have suggested!!! Keep them coming: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com  

10/4/18 Guys In Lockup with another new prisoner being brought in this week!!! Yes, Criminal Inmate Todd Young decided to scam an elderly lady out of $5000.00 for work on her roof that he never performed! Officer Denali is transporting him into the GIL City Jail as he is wearing his Florida Bulls High-Top Green & White Shoes... Of course those shoes and all of the rest of his clothes will be taken from his well built body when he is strip searched, cavity searched, dressed out in prison oranges and jailed! So, enjoy (Todd Young - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live this Friday Night 8pm ET!

9/28/18 GuysInLockup access is cheapest through the PayPal or Option "C" on the site: 120 days for $100 USD... Contact us through Support@GuysInLockup.com to get that method on how to make that option work for you and our payment email for PayPal! Also, we process payments through Verotel now and are slowly phasing out Zombaio. Some of you are on recurring charge with Zombaio and that is fine. We feel that Verotel is much more reliable though.

9/27/18 GuysInLockup bringing in Kevin Austin because his house arrest program was revoked and he needs to be sent to prison!!! He's wearing DVS Skate Shoes and has white socks... just filling another request like we try to do in every video update!!! So keep the ideas coming, we may not respond with a return email to everyone, but we do get your emails and ideas and do what we can to film them!!! Enjoy:(Kevin Austin - House Arrest Revoked - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it is expected to go streaming Friday at 8pm!!! Yes, Officer Justin Denali is on Facebook now if you want to be his friend... he tends to his FB Page when he is not too busy! Be patient and be respectful!

9/19/18 GuysInLockup with Officer Denali now on Facebook "Justin Denali" as they would not let him put "Officer" on the title... which is okay, but yes he is finally on Facebook!! As for this week's update, Criminal Big Boy Ulrich Gardner is back in the jail! He just is so defiant and arrogant that Officer Denali had to lock him down and cuff / shackle his ass to the jail bunk. All is good though, he cooled off and was much more manageable after a little bondage to the bunk! Enjoy (Ulrich Gardner - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Jailed - Bondage - Solo) as it is expected to go live friday night at 8pm ET!!!   

9/12/18 Guys In Lockup... this week Officer Denali is transporting in a mouthy tough guy thug for assaulting one of Officer Denali's undercover officers! Yes, you don't want to assault an Officer Of The Law as you might get shot and you are certainly going to go to prison!!! This 27 year old well-built, slightly hairy, tatted up, tough guy is cuffed and shackled in the back of Officer Denali's Patrol Car... and he "thinks" he's a bad-ass!!! Enjoy the video of this hot looking tough guy being processed into jail: (Barron "HC" Richards - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live at 8pm ET Friday night!!!

9/9/18 Hey everyone... we get asked all the time what is the cheapest way to access GuysInLockup videos and pics... that would be "Class C PayPal Access" for 120 days for $100 USD through a PayPal payment... that's right! We lock you away for 120 Days of membership for $100.00 USD and all you have to do is email us at: Support@GuysInLockup.com and we will further instruct you with how to submit a (one time) payment through PayPal to have access for about $25 per month, 4 month minimum of course! We want you to be able to enjoy our site!!!  

9/5/18 GuysInLockup bringing back Coach Sean Harris to be strip searched, cavity searched, ass-probed and even ordered to do push-ups just like he used to make his students do whenever they messed up... and oh he looks pissed when told to get busy doing the pushups!!! Officer Denali enjoys humiliating the coach... after all, he did the same to his students!!! (Coach Sean Harris - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Bondage - Solo) goes live Friday at 8pm ET! Enjoy and let us know what you think!!! Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

8/29/18 Guys In Lockup working hard to bring criminal types into our facility for a complete strip-down out of their street clothes and given a deep cavity search and in this weeks case, a nice deep ass probing to make sure all is clear and safe! Yes, (Vaughn Green - Cavity Search - Ass Probing - Bondage - Jailed - Solo) is on deck this week... he isn't heard saying much as his mouth is duct-taped the entire time for silence!!! This guy has an average body but that is what we specialize in!!! Average guys being brought in by Officer Denali to serve some time for their various crimes!!! Enjoy as this video goes live at 8pm ET this Friday

8/23/18 GuysInLockup bringing back in a hot young stud with some really big balls!!! Yes, Phil Carson is back in for court and he is first in stripes, then stripped naked for a deep ass probing and cavity search... then like so many others, he gets mouthy with Officer Denali and he is cuffed and shackled to the jail bunk and gets his mouth sealed shut with duct tape! Officer Denali has to secure and silence his prisoner in the most effective way!!! This video (Phil Carson - Cavity Search - Ass Probe - Bondage - Solo)  is available for streaming Friday 8pm ET for your total enjoyment!!! Yes... new and interesting things are on the way for Guys In Lockup... stand by... it's coming!!! 

8/16/18 GuysInLockup back in the saddle again!!! Officer Denali is revoking the House Arrest Program for Hyatt Martin this week... he will not be a free man for a long time. Officer Denali took him from his office where he was dressed in a business suit conducting an interview. If you step over the line and become a criminal, no matter where you are at, when the long arm of the law reaches out to snatch you up, you are going to be cuffed, shackled and chained up for transport to jail then to be stripped down, cavity searched and jailed to serve some time for your crimes! Officer Denali is there to make sure you make it to prison safely!!! Great "different" scenes coming up... stand by as I am sure it will be worth your wait!!! For now, enjoy (Hyatt Martin - House Arrest Revoked - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday night at 8pm ET!!!

8/14/18 GuysInLockup... thank you for all the reports on the "Free Password" to our site... in reality those supposed "FREE" Usernames and Passwords being offered for free access were never live or active with our site. Just someone trying to drive traffic to our site and maybe get an "affiliate signup". We have identified the two spammers and disabled their affiliate accounts... nice try but nobody gets free access to our site. Lol! 

8/1/18  GuysInLockup filling another request... long ago this request was made and we just now found a real time guy to fill it!!! Coach Sean Harris got in a shoving match with a parent at a little league game... now he is cuffed and shackled and on his way to the GIL City Jail for processing! Yes, I said real time! He actually was locked up for this very type of crime and now he is in our custody and going to serve time in our jail and eventually in the State Prison system!! This 44 year old man needs to be taught a lesson himself!!! Enjoy (Coach Sean Harris - Transport - Cavity Searched - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday at 8pm ET... your gonna love it!!! He was a pleasure to search and lock up!!! 

7/26/18 GuysInLockup with another hot video... or actually, another hot thug is being brought into the GIL City Jail for his first time in our lockup!!! (Vaughn Green - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) goes live this friday at 8pm ET! Bling and white retro Nike Basketball Shoes are this 37 year olds chosen wardrobe!!! All of which he loses when stripped and cavity searched!!! Enjoy!!!

7/19/18 GuysInLockup... the judge let Nathan West out on bond and when he decided to consume alcohol after he was done working on his new construction job, that was all Officer Denali needed to bust him and revoke his bond so he could arrest young Nathan and lock him and his sweaty work boots up in the GIL City Jail!!! Enjoy (Nathan West - Bail Revoked - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) it goes live at 8pm ET friday night!!! 

7/12/18 GuysInLockup... back in the saddle again with: (Keith Robbins - For Court - Cavity Search - Ass Probing - Jailed - Solo) on deck to get us going again... We have great stuff on the horizon... some very humiliating stuff!!! Enjoy this weeks update as it goes live Friday Night 8pm ET!!!

7/4/18 GuysInLockup Wishing you all a HAPPY 4th of JULY!!! Officer Denali is on a beach relaxing all week so we will not have a video on this Friday... he needs time off from arresting and locking up all you criminal bad boys anyway!!! We will be back to normal on Friday 13th next week!!! Stay safe out there and rest easy knowing all Officer Denali's arrests are still safely locked away in prison as he parties on the beach!!!

6/27/18 Guys In Lockup with the Mayor making a quick deal with our newest arrest and inmate: (Orlando Stark - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) Of course, all deals end with the man in cuffs, shackles and chains and headed to the GIL City Jail for a strip down, cavity search and lockup... This young 25 year old stud with long bushy hair... has a small issue he was hoping we would over look... The Mayor agreed to do that if we or Officer Denali could take him into custody right then and there... Like, in custody in the next sixty seconds... he agreed and the rest is on the video update that goes live this Friday at 8pm ET... At the end of this video the inmate is lead out of the jail by a chain connected to his body... yes, like an animal and Officer Denali just did it because he thought it was how this dude should be treated!!! Don't mess with Officer Denali... just sayin.

6/19/18 GuysInLockup... all we have to say is DILF... yes DILF! Dad I'd Like to Fuck!!! That is what is coming this Friday for an update... this 35 year old six foot one Dad is in custody all dressed up in nice clothes with a wedding ring and all!!! Enjoy (Reece Walters - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed Solo) it goes live this Friday at 8pm ET!!!

6/14/18 Guys In Lockup... Officer Denali got a case of vandalizm and this dude... a "Skater Dude" with long hair is gonna be serving some prison time for it! He was arrested at a skate park and with no shirt... Officer Denali has to bring them in just how they are! So that is exactly what happens with this weeks video: (Phil Carson - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) which goes live Friday at 8pm ET... Once again, we have added a few more requests as you all have been getting good at making suggestions. Yes, in the future we will have more than one prisoner in custody / jail at the same time. Working on that one for you but for now, this new kid or should we say "dude" looks awesome stripped naked and dressed out in prison orange! Enjoy!

6/7/18 Guys In Lockup with Officer Denali hauling in a new guy to lock up this week... Yes, a 25 year old young stud... and he questions everything, so Officer Denali decides to explain almost every step of his intake and processing while he locks this hot stud up... one minute this tough guy looks like he's about to cry, but don't let him fool you, he eventually makes a face like he's going to put up a fight any second! One thing is for sure... he is headed to prison! He's a tough guy but he is properly restrained, tattoos and pearl implants in his penis... yes this is one woman pleasing stud perfect for jail and prison!!! Enjoy: (Nathan West - Transport - Cavity Searched - Jailed - Solo) When it goes live Friday night at 8pm ET! Don't forget to give us some feedback: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com yes we do get them, read them and try to implement them even though we don't email you right back!! (Marc, Mark & Joe can vouch for us in this area!) Lol!!!

5/31/18 GuysInLockup has security cameras all through the GIL City Jail... The Judge can watch on a monitor from his office... the Judge is an interesting man for sure... if he sees something on camera that he likes, well, he will tell Officer Denali to get it for him!!! Yes, we mean like clothes or jewelry or anything an inmate has on his body when he is brought into the jail for processing. Last time Inmate Josh Warner was in, the Judge saw he was wearing some Polo Boots... The Judge decided when the inmate comes back in, he was going to have those fancy boots removed from the inmate's body to put on a shelf in his office as a souvenir once he sentences this particular inmate to the State Prison! That is one of the more "interesting" things about this week's update: (Josh Warner - Cavity Search - Jailed - Bondage) that goes live Friday night 8pm ET. Enjoy!!!  

5/24/18 GuysInLockup hitting another milestone... Yes Officer Denali makes the arrest of our first Asian (Japanese) criminal and brings him in for processing as an every day guy transformed into a prison inmate!!! Complete chain up, strip down and cavity search for the 25 year old Asian dude!!! Enjoy (Luke Hiro - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) It goes live Friday night at 8pm ET!!!

5/17/18 Guys In Lockup has a new guy in custody this week! Yes, Kevin Austin stole some construction equipment from a construction site and that is a felony in this state and he finds himself in Officer Denali's custody, cuffed and shackled in the back of Officer Denali's Patrol Car and on his way to the GIL City jail to have his muscular body stripped clean, cavity searched and jailed for crossing the line and becoming a criminal! Enjoy (Kevin Austin - Transport - Cavity Searched - Jailed - Solo) when it goes live Friday night at 8pm ET!!! This dude is wearing his construction boots as he is a well-built, tattooed up stud... and now he is in the GIL City Jail in an orange prison uniform trying to adapt to the other "thug life" as an inmate!

5/10/18 GuysInLockup once again listening to special requests through our Feedback@GuysInLockup.com email! Yes, Guys In Lockup got a request for Officer Denali to be very "Gentlemanly" as he arrested and booked in a prisoner. (Zachery Andrews - Gentleman - Booking - Jailed - To Prison - Solo) and that is why this prisoner is brought in without cuffs shackles and chains. Of course, he thought the whole thing was going to be that way!!! Not a chance as officer Denali still must strip his prisoner, check his ass, search his penis and lift his nuts for the normal cavity search! But the nice idle chit chat about work out routines was nice to start things out. Yes, he's still gonna be processed and do a solo completely naked... Officer Denali still has a job to do... Criminal Inmate Zachery Andrews does argue a bit over Officer Denali's choice to send him to the State Pen instead of County Lockup as he would like. Oh well, when you got to go you got to go!!! At least to PRISON!!! This hot video goes live Friday Night 8pm ET!! Enjoy!!!

5/3/18 GuysInLockup with the awesome Officer Denali... finding evidence to break criminal convict Zach Wilson's parole and bring his hot criminal body back in for a quick strip down, cavity search and intake processing into the jail so he can be sent back to the state prison to serve some additional time!! (Zach Wilson - Parole Revoked - To Prison - Solo) goes live Friday night at 8pm ET Enjoy!!! 

4/26/18 Guys In Lockup... bringing back in another hottie... Fynn Moore is shuffling his shackled feet back into the GIL City Jail to endure a nice hot strip search, cavity search and then he gets mouthy with Officer Denali and ends up cuffed and shackled to the jail bunk butt naked... Yes, this little thug wanna be has to spend some "cool down time" for officer Denali, complete with his mouth duct taped shut! This hot little dirty blonde is all marked up and ready to go before the judge... then to prison!!! The fun starts at 8pm ET Friday night...  (Fynn Moore - For Court - Jailed - Bondage - Solo) Enjoy and keep sending us Feedback... we want to know what you want to see done with these dudes as we bring them in!!!

4/19/18 Guys In Lockup... bringing back in Criminal Offender Chris Whitfield... I will tell you this dude has one of the smoothest and flawless bodies we have ever locked up here at GuysInLockup!!! Right down to his toes, are all clean and smooth! Yes, he looks awesome in an orange prison uniform too!!! Of course, he is brought in wearing his street clothes and then he gets mouthy with Officer Denali and gets cuffed and shackled naked to the Jail Bunk to cool his heels... but that is what happens when you get snippy with Officer Denali... he gets a nice ass probe during his cavity search too!!! Enjoy (Chris Whitfield - For Court - Jailed - Bondage - Solo) it goes live 8pm ET Friday Night... let us know what you think of this little hot stud in lockup!!! 

4/11/18 Guys In Lockup has new guys that come in all the time that want to be a "porn star"... We prefer to have average guys along with super well built guys in our jail. This weeks update is a guy that I met and I won't tell you where but I wanted him in Officer Denali's Jail so bad that I thought I would bring him in or "talk" to him and see if I could get him to participate! He was worried that he did not qualify because he had been in a motorcycle accident and had to take shots to deal with the pain. His back has some evidence of the kind of treatment he is under. I still wanted him in Officer Denali's Jail... with some convincing, flash - he is in chains and ready for processing in the blink of an eye!!! He has a tight little stud / thug body, basketball shoes and the whole bit!!! Now he is in jail for your enjoyment, shackled, cuffed and chained from head to toe, he's a great looking dude with a bad ass attitude! Damn, he sure blows a nice load too!!!! Enjoy (Mason Drake - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) It goes live Friday at 8pm ET!!!  Let us know your thoughts at: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com 

4/5/18 Guys In Lockup has a new guy in custody this week... a dude, a next door type... in fact, he is being transported into the GIL City Jail for a Strip Down, Cavity Search, Orange Prison Uniform Dress Out and Jailing for his arrest by Officer Denali for felony arson and insurance fraud when he burned down a shed in his back yard! Yep, the guy next door got busted because of the guy next door! Yes, his neighbor had a security camera that caught the whole thing on video! We pick things up with the transport in to the facility and his car ride with Officer Denali! Enjoy as this 23 year old stud gets processed for jail and eventually prison, basketball high-tops and all!!! (Landon Hayes - Transport - Cavity Search - Jailed - Solo) This video update goes live at 8pm ET Friday!!!   

3/29/18 Guys In Lockup... listening to the feedback and how you wanted to see a well-built dude, dressed nice in business attire, being stripped out of his fancy clothes and shoes and ordered to spread-em just before being dressed out in an orange prison uniform and transported off to prison... yes that is the case with (Hyatt Martin - To Prison - Jailed - Solo) Officer Denali was looking through the inmate list and noticed that Criminal Convict Hyatt Martin had not been sent to prison yet after being found guilty!!! Now is the time to see this stud convict get processed for transport to state prison for his crimes... Four (4) years and he is not happy about it!!! See, we listen to your requests and hope you enjoy this Video as it goes live Friday at 7:00 ET for your pure enjoyment!!!  Keep the ideas coming!!!

3/22/18 Guys In Lockup or should we say Thug Wanna Be's In Lockup! Lol! Yes this week Officer Denali is transporting in a thin cute little stud that thinks he is a real player and a Thug! Or at least he wants to be! Officer Denali is trying to help him complete his image and training by cuffing him, shackling him, transporting him, strip searching him, cavity searching him, dressing him out in an orange prison uniform, jailing him and then shipping his tight little thug wanna be body in chains, right to the state pen!!! Yes, you can't be a real thug unless you serve some time in state prison... Officer Denali is only here to serve and he does just that Friday Night at 8pm ET when this hot vid goes live!!! Enjoy this thin / tight 23 year old thug as he is now an inmate!!!

3/14/18 Guys In Lockup with another hot and very real video coming up this Friday... Officer Denali arrests another of his real former classmates!!! Word gets around when one of Justin's former buddies gets arrested, transported, cavity searched and jailed... it appears that there were others involved in the theft from their employer!!! This blonde dude is perfect for lockup!!! (Isaac Grant - Transported - Cavity Searched - Jailed - Solo) goes live 8pm ET and yes he was really a former clasmate of Officer Denali and a co-worker of Hawk Michaels... both just regular guys, now in Officer Denali's jail custody and trying to walk in cuffs and shackles for the first time in their lives!!! Enjoy!!!

3/9/18 Guys In Lockup... yes, Hawk Michaels is Officer Justin Denali's former high school classmate... Enjoy watching him strip down and cavity search his old buddy in tonight's update!!!  

3/7/18 Guys In Lockup has been busy with Officer Denali locking guys up and filling certain requests! This weeks video update is one to do just that! Officer Denali locks up his old friend from high school... not CJ Ricci but another dude he went to school with named Hawk Michaels who was caught stealing from his employer! Officer Denali has a job to do and his old high school friend isn't too happy about it! They argue back and forth through the video but at the end of the day, Hawk Michaels has to be stripped down, cavity searched and jailed because it is Officer Denali's job! Check out this hot video (Hawk Michaels - Transport - Jailed - Solo) as it goes live Friday at 7pm!!! Let us know what you think of this video: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

2/28/18 Guys In Lockup has gotten several requests for guys to be brought in for lockup that are wearing suits... well this week we have (Yanek Bell - Jailed - To Prison - Solo) to fill that request. Criminal Trash Yanek Bell was too good to show up at his court date and the Judge said go get his ass and bring him in and after you strip him down, transport him out to the state prison prison for housing. Officer Denali doesn't jack around with those who disrespect the Judge and the Court and in a flash he is bringing him in after he took his criminal ass right from his business meeting!! He was all dressed up in his suit, nice shoes and tie! Interesting to see a guy all dressed up in a business suit trying to walk in shackles! Lol! This video will be streaming Friday at 7pm ET!!!  Make sure to send us your feedback: Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

2/21/18 Guys In Lockup has another regular guy in custody (Gary Barnes - Transport - Jailed - Solo) Officer Denali saw this 28 year old "IT Guy" working in an office and decided to do some checking... yes, he's a very slick criminal as he was stealing money from his employer... Officer Denali thought he would look much better, stripped out of his Street Clothes and dressed out in a nice Orange Prison Uniform... Officer Denali will take whomever he wants into custody and whenever he wants!! This average dude gets stripped, cavity searched and locked up Friday at 7pm ET... ENJOY his perp-walk with shackled feet, cuffed hands and an AWESOME Cum Shot while locked in the jail cell!!!!!!

2/15/18 Guys In Lockup doing the dudes up right with cuffs, shackles and chains!! Such as this weeks video update: (Brian Coleman - Parole Revoked - Jailed - Solo) Yes, it is that Brian Coleman... he was released on parole and now that has been revoked and Officer Denali is bringing him in, all chained up so tight and secure!!! This dude has a nice but average body and the restraints look so good on him as he tries to walk in his sweaty DC Skate Shoes with his feet shackled!!! This one will be hot-streaming this Friday at 7pm ET... Enjoy!!!

2/8/18 Guys In Lockup with our Friday Streaming Update (Ulrich Gardner - House Arrest Revoked - Jailed - Solo) goes live at 7PM ET and this big bully thug type of dude gets his house arrest / electronic shackling revoked and jailed... The cuffs, shackles and chains fit this big dude very well and this thug has a nice cum shot at the end too... nice load for sure! Enjoy!!!

2/2/18 Guys In Lockup and tonights update: (Zachery Andrews - House Arrest Revoked - Jailed Solo) Another inmate marked up like a piece of meat with Officer Denali writing his Inmate ID# on his hot stud body!!! The update goes STREAMING live at 7pm ET tonight!!! Enjoy!!!  

1/18/18 Guys In Lockup... Officer Denali bringing in Keith Robbins for another round of lock up! The Judge let Criminal Thug Keith Robbins out and the prosecutor found more evidence so the charges were brought back up and this week it's (Keith Robbins - Transport - Bondage - Solo) and the duct tape goes all the way around his head... for maximum pie hole silence! This thug's tight little body is secured to the jail bunk and he sure hates it!!! Enjoy as it goes live 7pm ET Friday Night!!!

1/11/18 Guys In Lockup gets a new guy into the jail this week... (Fynn Moore - Transport - Jailed - Solo) Yes, Officer Denali is transporting in a little gang banger wanna be! He gets stripped down out of his street clothes including his white K-Swiss Shoes... the choice of most gang bangers in their mid 20's! See him stripped and cavity searched as he begins his life as an inmate at the GIL City Jail!!! It goes live Friday at 7pm ET! Let us know your thoughts... and yes, he gets issued white jail boxers too!!!  Feedback@GuysInLockup.com

1/4/18 Guys In Lockup is getting back into the swing of things... Officer Denali is ready as ever to lock up guys... as many as he can!!! Starting with (Riley Matthis - For Court - Bondage - Solo) And yes, he gets his ass probed!!! He needed it bad!!! Enjoy it as it goes live 7pm ET Friday!!! 
